Monday, October 25, 2010

History: Queen Eadgyth (also Editha, Edith of England) of Wessex (910–946), German queen and wife of Otto I. (the Great, 912-973), later Holy Roman Emperor. Editha’s remains were found in the Cathedral of Madgeburg in 2008. Recent scientific analysis came to the conclusion that they indeed originate from the queen.
Web: Internet Archive: Web, Texts, Audio and Video archives. Interesting resource
Life: August Engelhardt (1875 - 1919): Born in Nuremberg. Founder of a sect in the Bismarck Archipelago (now Papua New Guinea) on the island of Kaba Kon in the South Pacific. The first Hippie colony. Propagated the idea of living on coco nuts. Wrote a book called 'A Carefree Future' in 1898.
Life: Various historic lexica: Lexikon '88, in German
Movies: Free movies online at OpenCulture
Manila Ordner, früher aus den Abfällen des Manilahanfs (Abaca) hergestellt, Manilahanf gehoert zu den Bananengeächsen (Musaceae, kein Hanf = Cannabis)), wurde früher zur Herstellung von Schiffstauen verwendet, da salzwasserresistent. siehe Wikipedia und TIS
Life: Tai Chi Netguide
Art: How to draw funny cartoons
Movie (Online): Metropolis (1927). Directed by Fritz Lang. Written by Lang's wife Thea von Harbou. w/ Alfred Abel (Joh Fredersen, capitalist), Gustav Fröhlich (Freder Frederson, son), Brigitte Helm (Maria and Mensch-Maschine), Rudolf Klein-Rogge (Rotwang, mad scientist). Dystopian drama of an uprising of workers against a capitalist society. Rating: 8 out of 10.

Fritz Lang und Thea von Harbou, 1923 or 1924. Photograph by Waldemar Titzenthaler (1869-1937)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Mineralwasser KnowledgeMap (Cmap Tools):
