Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Asteroid 2012 DA14

On February 15, 2013, the near-earth asteroid 2012 DA14 will pass by the earth at a distance of only about 3.2 Earth radii (r = 6,371 km), i.e. ca. 22,500 km. For reference, Earth's distance to the moon is approx. 385,000 km, and even geostationary satellites are ca. 36,000 km away.

Earth and the asteroid share a similar path and their orbits intersect twice per year. Orbits of Earth (green) and 2012 DA14 (yellow) are shown in the picture above (Source: ESA).

2012 DA14 is about 45 m in diameter. Therefore, its brightness viewed from earth will be no more than magnitude 7, i.e. just slightly higher than the visibility with the naked eye.

The asteroid will not impact Earth on that occasion (see Wikipedia).

Predicted path of asteroid 2012 DA14 passing close to Earth on February 15, 2013 (Source: JPL).

Animation of fly-by from YouTube below.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Focus Stacking

Focus stacking is a technique for processing digital images with small depth of field, as obtained e.g. in microscopy or macro photography. Multiple images with different focus points are combined into one image. Instructions at Fotofacts.


List of links to webcams, worldwide, at Webcam Galore.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Creative Commons

Resource for pictures, videos, music to use freely at Creative Commons.

Body's Billboard

"[...] around the world, the t-shirt has become the body’s billboard". Richard Armstrong, Engines of our Ingenuity No. 2836: Bumping into Signs.

Educational Animated Short Clips

Educational animated short clips by Jeremiah Warren, Dallas, TX, on Youtube: Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, History of the Calendar, Naming of Hurricanes, and Steve Jobs. Creative and informative.

Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

DVD: Moonrise Kingdom (2012). w/ Bruce Willis (Captain Sharp), Edward Norton (Scout Master Ward), Bill Murray (Walt Bishop), Frances McDormand (Laura Bishop), Tilda Swinton (Social Services), Jared Gilman (Sam), Kara Hayward (Suzy). Directed by Wes Anderson. Writers: Wes Anderson, Roman Coppola. Teenage boy and girl on a New England island fall in love and run away, stirring up the towns as they conduct a major search. Ensemble cast movie (i.e. no main actors). Odd style. Nerdy. Funny moments, but lacks real highlights. Overall rating 5 out of 10.

USGS Earthquake Map

USGS earthquake map and table with details of events in real time.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mission to Mars (2000)

Movie (YT): Mission to Mars (2000). Directed by Brian De Palma (Mission: Impossible, The Untouchables); w/ Gary Sinise, Tim Robbins, Don Cheadle, Connie Nielsen, Jerry O'Connell. When a first manned mission to Mars fails, a rescue team is sent to find out what happened. Does not deliver. Some good special effects for its time (e.g. solar system animation scene; descent to the Marsian surface), but story simple and too sappy. Lacks humor. Plenty of factual errors. Overall rating 6 out of 10.

Ulam Spiral

The Ulam spiral is a method of visualizing the distribution of prime numbers. Discovered by Stanislaw Ulam in 1963. Construct by writing down a rectangular grid of numbers, starting with 1 at the center and spiraling out. Highlight prime numbers. Yields, in part, diagonal line patterns.

Ulam spiral. Image source: Wikipedia.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Walter Lewin - For the Love of Physics

Fun physics lecture given by Walter Lewin, MIT, on May 16, 2011. Watch the dashed lines extending on chalkboard. For more of Lewin's lines, check out the Best Lines video.

Granted Patents vs. Patent Application

Summarized from Patentlens.com:

At this point, the United States identifies granted (issued) patents with a seven-digit number followed by a B1 (patent not previously published) or a B2 (patent previously published), e.g., US 6,174,724 B1, The 'B1' and 'B2' are referred to as 'kind codes'.

Published U.S. Patent Applications are indicated with the year as a four-digit number and a publication number followed by an A1 (for the first publication), A2 (for republication) or A9 (corrected publication), e.g. US 2001/0002490 A1. This number is also referred to as the publication number on the USPTO PAIR (Patent Application Information Retrieval) web site.

In addition, there is also an application number In the U.S.  that is different than the publication number. This number is used to identify the case while it is pending with the USPTO. Application numbers consist of a two-digit 'series' number (usually 09, 10, or 11) that is separated from a six-digit number by a slash, e.g. 10/676,431.

Issued Patents in Europe are indicated with a seven-digit number followed by a B1, e.g. EP 0 458 846 B1. A 'B2' number indicates that the claims have been modified after grant.

Published European Patent Applications use the same numbering system but the number is followed by A1, A2, etc., e.g. EP 0 955 371 A1.

ISS Startrails

"Stacking" image sequences provided by NASA from the crew at International Space Station (ISS) yields startrails that Christoph Malin compiled and posted on Vimeo. A copy can be found on YouTube.


Soundtrack 'Eileen' by Lee Rosevere from the album 'Music for MOBA' can be found at Free Music Archive. Stacking was done with StarStax. Additional stacked images at the respective Flickr page.


Friday, October 19, 2012

Comet 96P/Machholz

Comet 96P/Machholz has a highly eccentric 5.2-year orbit and the smallest perihelion distance (closer than the orbit of Mercury) known among numbered/regular short-period comets. Heat resistant. Depleted of carbon and cyanogen, therefore assumed to be of extrasolar origin. Report in Sternzeit

Pic of Comet Machholz close to the open cluster M45 - Plejades by Michael Karrer.

Musical Preference

It appears that musical preference shifts with location. Germany -- less Jazz. Wyoming -- more Country. May also depend on other factors, e.g. fraction of listening in the car.

Katie Costello

Katie Costello, female singer, originally from Los Angeles area, now works in NYC. Song 'Cassette Tape' somewhat reminds of Feist. Found on TuneCore.

Powers of 10 (1977)

By Charles and Ray Eames -- a classic.