Friday, February 14, 2003

Seifollah Samadian: The White Station (1999): The Iranian filmmaker took the pictures for this film out of the window during a snow storm in Tehran. A description reads:

"On 13 January 1998, the Iranian capital of Tehran is swept by an incredible snowstorm. As far as the eye can see, everything is covered by a thick layer of snow. The snow keeps falling ceaselessly, while a lone figure waits for a bus. The dark silhouette, which in the end credits is thanked as "the waiting stranger", stands out against the white background. Two hands cling to a dark umbrella; both feet gradually disappear beneath the white blanket of snow. The scene is filmed from the window of a room on the opposite side of the road. The only audible sound is that of the wind, at times sweeping the snow by almost horizontally. On the screen, everything is reduced to its essence, in natural black and white. Aside from a few passers-by, one of them walking backwards against the storm, the area is a no man's land, marked only by the promising sign of the bus stop." (Source).

The film was also presented at the Documenta11 in Kassel, Germany, in 2002.

Other Links:
Documenta11 (Home)

CD: Dido: No Angel (1999)
Photographer: Paul Strand

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