Thursday, February 05, 2004

"One of the most important rank differences between writers is whether they only think for themselves or also bring the rest of the world to think about itself" (Egon Friedell, Austrian historian and writer, 1878-1938, in 'Steinbruch').

Philosophy: Martin Amerbauer: Erste Schritte in der Philosophie (2000, in German). 111 pages. Link to text on Amerbauer website. Concise introduction to philosophy in PDF format; w/ good references to important books.
Video: Kundun (1997). 135 min. Directed by Martin Scorcese. Music by Phillip Glass. Based on the life of the 14th Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso). Dalai Lama means 'Ocean of Wisdom', Kundun means 'The Presence'. Very slow story, but beautiful pictures. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the colors and the music. However, the oppression by the Chinese is a major theme in the second half of the movie. Well balanced.
Fishing: Chebacco: famous narrow-sterned boat style without jib; formerly much used for fishing; originated in Chebacco (now Essex, MA); also called pinkstern and chebec
History: LeMO = Lebendiges virtuelles Museum Online. German history from 1900 to now; w/ pictures, videos, and lots of information (in German); hosted by: Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin.

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