Music: 2/21/07, 10 PM: 55 Bar, NYC: Mike Stern, Contemporary Jazz Guitar (Mike Stern - Guitar, Kim Thompson - Drums, Janek Gwizdala - Bass). Funky jazz. Stern has played with Miles Davis in 1981-83 and 1985. Toured with Jaco Pastorious. Currentt album: 'Who Let the Cats Out'. Thompson is more of a rock drummer, but fits the band well. Always comes up with another new rhythm.
DVD: Fight Club (1999). 139 min. w/ Edward Norton (The Narrator) Brad Pitt (Tyler Durden), Helena Bonham Carter (Marla Singer), Meat Loaf (Robert 'Bob' Paulson; as Meat Loaf Aday). Directed by David Fincher (Se7en). Insomniac meets anarchist. Together they start a fight club. Bizarre. Violent moments. Disturbing at times. Some good lines. Need to pay attention to detail. Explores the human psyche in full depth. Strange twist toward the end. Q's: How would a fight club ever start if the narrator has fought himself? How does the narrator know where to go, i.e. where Tyler 'lives' after his apartment is destroyed? Overall rating: 6 out of 10.
Photography: Sally Mann (b. 1951): American photographer. Portraits. Often B/W photos of young women or children.
Art: Hans Baldung Grien (c. 1480-1545). German (Alsatian) Renaissance painter and printer. Joined Albrecht Dürer's Nuremberg workshop in 1503. Many of his works.
Music: The shenai is a double-reed, oboe-like instrument best known from the work of the great Indian virtuoso, Bismallah Khan. Also played by the jazz musician Yusef Lateef in the song 'Sister Mamie' on the album 'Live at Pep's'.