Friday, March 04, 2011

Site-specific searches on Google: In the Google search window, add your search term followed by the word 'site:' and the URL of the site you would like to search, i.e. <search term> Other tips on Google searches here

Science: Journal Ranking at SCImago. Impact factors given
Philosophy: Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639), Italian Dominican philosopher. Spent a good part of his adult life in prison due to heresy. Most famous work is 'The City of the Sun' (1602/1623, Italian: La città del Sole; Latin: Civitas Solis; German: Sonnenstaat), in which he develops a theocratic society of communism of goods, women and children. In this society, the individual counts little and the structure of the family is abolished. Main goal is the preservation of the species. Also wrote 'The Defense of Galileo' (1616/1622), although Galileo himself may not have appreciated the help of a heretic
Mathematics: Sierpinski triangle. Fractal. Discussed in NPR's Engines of Our Ingenuity No. 2599 (Strange attractors and imagery)
Law: Buzer: Full text of select German laws and regulations (in German)
Music: Websites that can generate tones and music: 1.) Isle of Tune 2.) Seaquence  3.) Balldroppings, use Javascript.
Psychology: Dan Gilbert, Professor of Psychology at Harvard, on happiness: Lecture 2004 and Lecture 2005. Notes: 1.) Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782): Expected value = Odds of Gain x Value of Gain 2.) Mistake humans make: Comparing with the past, not with the possible 3.) Comparisons change the value of things 4.) Problem of shifting comparisons (30,000 --> 100 saving sounds much less than 200 --> 100 saving) 5.) Plato: What space is to size, time is to value (source not given, quote not verified)