Monday, April 19, 2010

Nature: Old trees: 1.) Oberbach, Rhön --> alte Buche, 2.) Schenklengsfeld, Hessen --> 1100 Jahre alte Linde 3.) 1000-jaehrige Eiche in Puschendorf bei Fuerth
Art: Bettina Rheims (b. 1952): French photographer and artist; specialized on women's photography
Science: Anthropology: First human (Homo erectus) left Africa ca. 2 mio yrs ago. Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis (extinct ca. 30,000 yrs ago) separated from the common acenstor Homo heidelbergensis ca. 0.5 - 1 mio yrs ago. Early modern man developed ca. 50,000 yrs ago. A genetically different human sample discovered in the Altai mountains in Siberia was recently dated to be 30,000 - 45,000 yrs old. This species may have co-existed with modern humans as well as Neanderthals. Homo floresiensis ('Hobbit'), is a possible species of extinct human discovered in 2003 on the island of Flores in Indonesia. This species is remarkable for its small body (1m) and brain and survived until relatively recent times (possibly died out 12,000 years ago). Australopithecus afarensis ('Lucy') is an extinct hominin which lived between 3.8 and 2.9 million years ago. It was ancestral to genus Homo.

Also see chart at

Tree of genus Homo_Nature Magazine Source:
Music: Ticket purchases: Sold at market value, which usually is above face value
Life: Gratis Parken. Database of 1600 free parking lots in Germany.